Project Overview

Thanks to the funds raised at UK Coffee Week between 2016 and 2018, Project Waterfall helped to bring clean water, restore sanitation, introduce improved education and healthcare, and build better structures within 6 schools across the coffee regions of Nicaragua. With our partners, Seeds for Change and Caffe Nero, we changed the lives of 758 children and teachers.

5 of the schools were located in coffee growing communities in Jinotega and Matagalpa and were chosen due to the necessity of a clean water source, and their proximity to producers who were part of the Nero LIFT program. Through this partnership, producers benefit by receiving trainings that increase their level of productivity with responsible and sustainable practices, and their children, who attend these schools, have access to better schooling conditions by having better hygiene and clean water all year round.

The 6th school is located in the community of La Esmeralda where 90% of the economy is based on the production of coffee. With the support of Caffè Nero in 2017, a new classroom was built. The construction of the new classroom, allowed for 1st grade and 2nd grade students to have separate classrooms, instead of receiving classes all in the same space, in a multi-grade format. This investment, along with the better schooling conditions increased student enrolment by 20%. In 2018, with the support of Caffè Nero, Lazaro Talavera School continued the Digital Seeds program in addition to the infrastructure improvement. This program works with an intensive, individualised focus on teacher professional development that positions classroom instructors as vital change agents in school reform. By better understanding the challenges faced by each teacher, facilitators and teachers can then work together in the task of improving the skills of their students.

Quality of education begins with having the proper conditions at school.

Project Stats

Start date: 2016

Status: Completed, 2018

Community: 6 schools near or in Esmeralda, Jinotega

People reached: 758

Delivery Partner: Caffe Nero / Seeds For Change

about Nicaragua

6,100,000 population

32% of rural lack access to water

63% of rural lack access to sanitation

29% live below the poverty line

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Clean water was provided to 5 schools in Jinotega and better facilities were built in 1.

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A Better education

The region’s school population is primarily composed of the children of these coffee laborers, most of whom live below the national wealth standard. In many households with single mothers, children must care for the home and their siblings, and as a result may not begin formal schooling until they are seven or eight years old. By supporting the Coffee Industry and securing a safe income for the family the current students are the first generations going to high school and have the opportunity to continue to university.

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safer buildings

Lazaro Talavera School has a preschool and elementary school, grades 1st to 6th, with 155 students and 5 teachers. With the support of Caffè Nero in 2017, a new classroom was built with an investment of £25,030.00, raised during the UK Coffee Week. General school maintenance and drainage systems were installed making the school a safer learning environment.


Increased school attendance

As a result of the project, attendance has increased greatly allowing the younger generations to obtain an education. As most parents of children in Jinotega are Coffee Growers, the average adult has only a 3rd grade education, however the Children of Jinotega are attending and achieving more in recent years due to this project. Student enrollment increased from 126 students in 2016, to 155 students in 2018, representing a 20% increase.


Thanks to the generous investment made by Project Waterfall and Caffe Nero / Seeds for Change in Nicaragua, infrastructure, sanitation and education was vastly improved.

  • In 2018, with the support of Caffè Nero, Lazaro Talavera School continued the Digital Seeds program in addition to the infrastructure improvement, this time by having a Seeds for Progress facilitator, Elba Gonzalez, lead the teacher training program. This program works with an intensive, individualized focus on teacher professional development that positions classroom instructors as vital change agents in school reform.

  • For the infrastructure component, the focus will be in fixing the electric system which has been deficient since it was manually installed by parents and teachers, and two of the classrooms do not have access to electricity. Additionally an administration office and storage room will be built, allowing the school principal to be based at this school, and officially make Lazaro Talavera de “base school” of the region.

  • In total 603 children benefited and went from not having water supply or very limited in some cases, to a constant supply of clean water source. Solutions involved sourcing rain water and installing water tanks for storage.

  • 3 purification systems were installed; carbon filtration, chlorination system and a smaller ONIL water filtration system.

Sustainability and education

The Digital Seeds program, fosters sustainable economic growth and social development, by creating opportunities and alliances that advance the quality of life for students, teachers, their families and communities. Educators and students, from primary and secondary schools, are trained to become active agents of change for sustainable development. Seeds for Progress promotes the use of local knowledge, technology and the active participation of families and communities in the process of improving the quality of education.

The training of teachers during this project also has an immense element of sustainability. The area becomes enriched with educators ensuring school staff, in turn, increasing attendance of the children. In the community this scheme will continue to grow as children and teachers become more involved with the local schools. To guarantee the sustainability of the program, we promote teacher’s empowerment and have developed a mentorship system to install local capacities within the school and the community. The objective is to provide the teachers with tools and resources and the confidence to create and innovate their teaching skills.

With each water storage unit installed, training sessions are provided so that the community know how to maintain the systems.

the future

We will be continuing to develop this partnership Caffe Nero / Seeds for Change as we are passionate about allowing communities in developing countries to grow in terms of opportunity for the younger generation. We are thankful for any support we receive for this worthy issue.

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